
Netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer
Netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer

netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer
  1. #Netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer install#
  2. #Netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer password#
  3. #Netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer license#
  4. #Netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer windows#

Download, Install and Launch Multibeast 9.01 and install Clover UEFI, Kexts and System Definition to the Sierra HDD using Multibeast.

#Netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer password#

  • Launch Terminal and run the command > sudo spctl -assess -master-disable > Password >ENTER.
  • The System will AUTOMATICALLY reboot after first part and come to second part to select Region Language Account Creation and finally to Desktop Keyboard recognition'.
  • #Netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer license#

  • Close disk Utility and go back to Installation screen to Agree to License >Select carefully the Disk just reformatted as the target to install and Customize options and proceed to install.
  • On Installation screen click >Utilities>Disk Utility and find your Target HDD and select > Partition and Format GUID + MacOS Extended (Journaled).
  • netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer

    Navigate to Options menu and add Boot Args- : -dart=0 kext-dev-mode=1 -v and then ENTER.Press F12 and Select your Sierra USB Installer and ENTER to reach the Clover boot screen.Make your USB installer as firs Boot device and save the boot options and reboot with F-10>Yes.Boot the Computer and enter BIOS setup and choose the BIOS Options recommended for your MoBo for Sierra installation according to Tonymac Guide.

    netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer

  • Connect ONLY the HDD where you want to install macOS Sierra and the Sierra USB Installer you have created properly.
  • Disconnect The el Capitan SSD and el Capitan Data HDD.
  • Shut down the Computer, Power Off, Take the Power Cord off the PSU.
  • To make things less complex try the installation with the target SATA HDD and your Sierra USB installer as the only drives connected to the System's Motherboard.

    #Netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer windows#

    I hope your Windows and el Capitan systems are safe and usable. Thanks for any help, i read a lot on the forum but didn't find anything similar to this. How can i try to recover the Sierra HDD? it is acting like a "short-circuit" and i am clueless about regaining access to it (to reformate etc.). I tried all the alternatives: tried the problematic HDD alone (disconnecting all other drives), or with the SSD, or with the other HDD (data for El Capitan), i switched Sata connectors, tried with the USB plugged in with all the above configurations possible= same result, with the Sierra HDD connected i can't do anything. I can only disconnect the 1TB HDD and then i can boot in my SSD with El Capitan or go check the BIOS.Īs soon as i reconnect the HDD with Sierra (that never rebooted after Multibeast) i'm stuck again and can't get anything beyond the welcoming Gigabyte screen. Worst, i couldn't and still can't select any option to try enter the BIOS or select another drive to boot. When i tried to reboot after the Multibeast Post Install i was stuck to Gigabyte first screen (with options: f12 etc.). I followed all the following instructions and as i have the same motherboard and processor (but no Graphic card so i didn't select any option as i only have the Intel HD3000) i stuck to this one for Multibeast config įirst boot with Unibeast USB went very well, everything worked even better than with my El Capitan SSD (have some graphic glitches and videos issues) so i thought Post install would be painless on the HDD. I have tried to install Sierra 10.12.1 on the 1TB HDD. Building a CustoMac Hackintosh: Buyer's Guideįirst i have to describe my set-up: 1 SSD (El Capitan)+ 1 HDD (Data for El Capitan's SSD) and another 1TB HDD i used for Windows 10.

    Netflix mac stuck on loading screen computer